Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Hailey will be 2 years old in September. She is a daddy's girl for sure. she likes to swing at the house when she is over. Hailey is also one of our newest Grandaughters. Hailey is a little shy and takes a little to get her to warm up. But a lot of fun to have around.

Jasmin is one of our newest additions, she is 3 years old. she will win your heart right off. She and her sister Hailey, we are very excited to call our grandaughters. They are so very cute Jasmin loves Mr potato head. I am sure that we will have to start baking cookies real soon.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Samantha was not sure about all the water around her. It did not take long for her to want to play in it. This photo was taken out on the creek by JFK Park.

Wow she is getting so Big. But here is her new face, when she gets mad at you for not doing what she wants you to. This is the look that you will get. She is so funny. She is just like her momma. Look out Heather.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Wow it is crazy to sit and see just how fast they are growing. Marissa is almost 10 mo old now and Sam is 15 mo's old. They both are just great fun to have around.