The photos that are here I took to enter them in a photo contest. We took them at the Old Mill in North Little Rock. I will keep putting the girls infront of the camera, So girls keep that smile. I love to take their photos.
Well Marissa wants to walk so badly. She can move fast as a low man crawl, and she does not like to get on her knees either. This photo was taken Aug 3rd. She has now learned the bear walk. She will be on the run I am sure in the next few weeks. I cannot even think that she will be a one-year old in 3 weeks.
I am a Wife to the most wounderful man ever, mom to 3 great adults, and a grammie to 6 funny faced little ones.
Jasmine, Hailey, Samantha, Marissa,Joshua and Sophia. They hold the Key to my heart. I love Photography.