Marissa has just turned 3 years old. She is going to be just like her mother. she loves to come see Grammie and Grandpaw. She know that Chocolate milk will always be here for her.
Our grandchildren are getting so big and way to fast. I wish that I could keep them little, but I know that we can not. They are just growing with leaps and bounds. They all are so funny and beautiful.
We had 3 of our 5 grandchildren this weekend and we had so much fun. The girls played hard and Joshua sure wanted to get in on the fun. He tries real hard to keep up with them. Marissa just turned 3 and Sam is 3. They are so close to each other. Joshua will be one on the 24th of this month. Wow how time has passed so fast. Here are a few new shots of them. We will get new ones of Hailey and Jasmine very soon.
I am a Wife to the most wounderful man ever, mom to 3 great adults, and a grammie to 6 funny faced little ones.
Jasmine, Hailey, Samantha, Marissa,Joshua and Sophia. They hold the Key to my heart. I love Photography.