Easter 2009.... Marissa and Joshua are all ready to go to church. We had lots of rain so we hunted eggs the day before. Woo Hoo. We have a new book and it is the real meaning of Easter. Marissa can tell you why Jesus has holes in his hands and feet. I think that is so Great that she knows that the Reason for Easter is our Lord Jesus..
We had so much fun. Marissa and Joshua planted flowers at Grammy's house. Marissa was so excited to be able to do this all by herself. Joshua love the waterhose part. I think he even got to spray us with the water. I know Marissa did. She had that waterhose and had a blast. What a way to start the weekend with your grandkids.
I am a Wife to the most wounderful man ever, mom to 3 great adults, and a grammie to 6 funny faced little ones.
Jasmine, Hailey, Samantha, Marissa,Joshua and Sophia. They hold the Key to my heart. I love Photography.